Chastened Choppies retreats home to licks its wounds
31/07/2020 -
Senegalese service station chain makes the leap to stand-alone grocery retail
27/07/2020 -
Zambia and Zimbabwe weigh down Pick n Pay’s international performance
13/07/2020 -
The latest KFC Index shows that Southern African currencies remain the continent's most undervalued
10/07/2020 -
Nigerian Covid-19 restrictions leave SPAR struggling to keep its shelves stocked
08/07/2020 -
Hard discounters capitalise on Covid-19 to gain market share
03/07/2020 -
Two struggling South African retailers to pull the plug on SSA stores
30/06/2020 -
As Tuskys flounders, three of its rivals open new stores
30/06/2020 -
Nigeria’s FoodCo joins the online supermarket rush
26/06/2020 -
Thinking inside the box