Ranking of non-alcoholic beverages players in Côte d'Ivoire based on “Likelyhood to purchase” in Q4 2020

2020 has been a challenging year for most brands in the beverages industry, including in Côte d’Ivoire. Cash tight consumers have reduced their consumption frequencies and changed their habits in terms of brands. Sagaci Research, through its SagaBrand tracker tool, took a closer look at the brand movements.


Which non-alcoholic beverages in Côte d’Ivoire have had the strongest “likelihood to purchase” in Q4 2020? The answer is within SagaBrand, the continuous brand health monitoring tool for brands across the African continent.


Coca-Cola (from Solibra) ranked #1 in Q4 2020 in terms of both ‘Ever Purchased’ and ‘Likely to Purchase’ showing a strong performance across the board. Both Orangina (from Suntory Beverages) and Schweppes are having strong ‘Likely to Purchase’ rankings, moving up to the #2 and #3 ranks, demonstrating a strong interest for their brands (hence products), likely to materialize in increased market shares in the near future. Schweppes has one of the largest increases in ranking, moving from #14 in terms of ‘Ever Purchased’ to the #3 position, showing how well the brand is gaining traction in Côte d’Ivoire. Céleste (from Groupe Carré d’Or) is the #1 mineral water brand and ranks solid in terms of both ‘Ever Purchased’ and ‘Likely to Purchase’. Lipton (from Unilever) also performing strongly on ‘Likely to Purchase’, moving up from the #8 rank in terms of ‘Ever Purchased’ to the #5 position in terms of ‘Likely to Purchase’.

Sprite and Fanta, both owned by The Coca-Cola Company are somehow lagging behind in terms of ‘Likely to Purchase’, ranked respectively #21 and #14…



SagaBrand: the continuous health tracking tool for brands across the African continent. In Côte d’Ivoire, more than 500 brands are assessed on a daily basis via our online panel.

Ever Purchased: Which brands below have you EVER PURCHASED? Purchase Intent: Of the brands considered, which are you most likely to purchase?

Population: Ivorian adults above 18 years old

Period: November 2020

Sample: N = 800


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