Choppies on the chopping block
10/09/2019 -
Woolworths shuts two clothing stores and exits Ghana
20/08/2019 -
Retail Holding raises capital to expand and modernise Ivorian subsiduary
19/08/2019 -
Inflationary tailwind boosts margins at Zimbabwean supermarket chain
16/08/2019 -
Tuskys talks up its growth prospects, but can it deliver?
14/08/2019 -
FX-woes continue to weigh on Shoprite’s turnover in sub-Saharan Africa
06/08/2019 -
"French" Tacos – the fast food taking Morocco by storm
05/08/2019 -
Private equity funds acquire stake in Tunisian hard discounter
30/07/2019 -
MAF’s latest Egyptian mall to open in September
25/07/2019 -
GBH raises its profile in Africa with Casino deal and Côte d’Ivoire entry